Festivals, which you can find the world over in a myriad of forms, aren't just fun -- they're a reflection of a culture. Some are centuries old celebrations, such as Il Palio, an elaborate horse race in Siena, Italy. Others are more recent such as San Francisco's annual Gay Pride Parade.
And of course, many are just great fun, such as Rio's Carnaval, New Orleans' Mardi Gras, and Spain's chaotic Tomato Festival, in which everyone pelts each other with juicy red fruit. Special events may include Christmas Markets in Germany or New England fall foliage tours. Whatever your favorite festival or event, a good tour will take you there.
How many of these festivals-round-the-world have you attended?

Want to learn more about these and other festivals you can attend around the world?
Check out our Festivals Travel Guide for descriptions and trip ideas!