Lost City Found: Excavation Results in Startling Conclusion About its Residents

By Samantha Scott

April 1, 2020

The remains of an ancient civilization that lived in an underwater city have been discovered. Divers in the Black Sea say they noticed a previously uncharted cave, 500 ft below sea level, while on a routine archaeological excavation of the region.

Diver next to stone stairs

Entering the cave revealed an enormous network of linked caves and byways. But even more unusual, there was evidence of people (or some other humanoid species). Had there actually been people living here? A more extensive survey of the underwater city was quickly scheduled.

The lead archaeological and anthropological team that did the first official sweep could only conclude that this had indeed been a settlement for a population of human-like beings

Divers with evidence under water excavation

The excavation revealed many similarities to human life above the surface: cooking utensils, various apparatuses for sports such as rackets and balls, classrooms and gathering places - clearly whoever lived here had been advanced culture, with downtime for invention and social gathering.

But still the biggest question mark remained: was it possible that humans survived down here? The only other option brought to mind an image that was decidedly fantastical. The term “mer-people” was thrown around, as unlikely as it seemed


While the fantasy of uncovering a real-life Aquaman was enticing, the scientific minds on the excavation team felt there was more to find out. 

Upon returning for a second survey with a science team covering everything from marine biology to geothermic phenomenon specialists, another startling discovery was made. The team noticed some spots throughout the city where their readings indicated a surge in oxygen levels. Further investigation revealed that oxygen was in fact being pumped into the atmosphere from geologic gas vents. 

The conclusion was mind boggling. Humans had at one time lived here, 500 ft under the surface of the Black Sea. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 people lived in the city, and that it had been a thriving civilization. Which begs the question: are there more underwater cities to be discovered? Why did this population not survive?

Atlantis underwater

The biggest question that historians are now wondering: could this be the origin of the Atlantis legend? 

Currently no timeline exists for scheduling trips allowing civilians to visit the underwater city. Countries from Russia to Turkey are now arguing over jurisdiction so tourism will have to wait for the time being. The unique site must also be reached by submarine, so when tours do open up, travelers should note that it will not be cheap to visit!

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