Stride Team Outing: Celebrating Speed!

By Samantha Scott

May 25, 2018

A startup always needs to be moving quickly. Iterating constantly, making fast decisions, and experimenting. To stay ahead of the pack, Speed is essential, and it is one of our core values at Stride.

On our recent team outing, we decided to reset our speed bar - GoKart style! 

Go Karting Stride Team

While it's safe to say no one on the Stride Team is ready to become a professional GoKart racer, that's ok...we are all experts in applying Speed to our various areas of expertise. And we sure had fun. 

Stride is all about embracing the "work hard, play hard" philosophy. We put in a lot of time to make Stride as easy to use and effective as possible for travelers seeking their perfect trip.

As a team, we love that our mission is about helping people see the world their way.

The work is important, but so is having fun! In the past few years we've: 

1. Gone on an urban hike from San Francisco's Fort Point at the base of the Golden Gate Bridge to Ocean Beach

Urban SF hike


2. Hiked in the Oakland hills, after a visit to the zoo - ending with a meal in Downtown Berkely

Stride team oakland zoo


3. Whitewater rafting on the historic American River - including camping the night before, complete with smores

White water rafting team


5. And now we add GoKarts to the list! 

Stride team go karting



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