Tips for Traveling in 2021

December 31, 2020

Travel in 2020 has looked very different because of covid-19. Some destinations have closed, others have reopened. Safety concerns are high and flights can be few and far between. With the new year quickly approaching, it can be hard to know what to expect from travel once January comes. From safety to destinations and activities, we’ve gathered the best tips and predictions for 2021 travel so you can be well informed when you plan your next epic vacation. 

2021 Travel Safety 

When thinking about 2021 travel, safety is still present in the minds of many travelers. The coronavirus is still part of everyday life and it seems like it will be for some time longer, at least into the early months of the next year. While travel is starting to come back to life and countries are beginning to reopen, it’s still important to think about safety and what that will look like when traveling. Below are some of the top safety trends to expect both in the airport and exploring your destination.

Airport & Airplane Procedures

Airport procedures have changed due to covid-19.

When the pandemic first hit, airlines and airports put in place safety protocols very quickly. These included things such as leaving the middle seat open on airlines, mandatory mask wearing and even at some airports, temperature scans. Now that the pandemic has been in full swing for some time now, have these procedures changed? Have they relaxed or become more enforced. The latter is proving to be true.

Masks are a mandatory requirement throughout the entire process of traveling from one place to the next. Travelers will need to wear them throughout the airport as well as boarding and during flight. Those who refuse to wear a mask will not be allowed to board.

Many airlines are boarding passengers differently. Social distanced lines of 10 people will board at a time. This will avoid overcrowding in the aisles and keep passengers distanced from each other.

Temperature scans are not a widely used procedure at this time. Frontier and Air Canada are taking the temperature of passengers before boarding but they are the first. As 2021 nears, more airlines may adopt this procedure so be prepared for this safety precaution. 

Between flights, many airlines are disinfecting the seats, arm rests, table trays and other frequently touched surfaces. Seat restrictions are another safety precaution that is still in place and is expected to be in place in 2021 as well.

Looking ahead to travel in the next year, expect the safety protocols to be the same if not more strict than they have been as of recent. 

Latest Entry Requirements

Many destinations have entry requirements for travelers to undergo upon arrival into the country. There are several different requirements and depending on the destination, they can have all of them, none of them or an assortment. The main entry requirements that have been in place and should still be in place at least into early 2021 include mandatory 14-day quarantine, a short quarantine, coronavirus testing upon arrival, presentation of a negative coronavirus test upon arrival and airport screenings such as temperature checks.

Many destinations are also requiring travelers to fill out a health declaration form and proof of insurance that covers covid-19. These entry requirements have fluctuated throughout the pandemic but it doesn’t seem like they’ll disappear anytime soon. Be prepared to undergo these precautions when traveling and check your destination to see what they are requiring.

See which countries are reopening and their latest entry requirements >>


When the coronavirus hit, safety ratings for countries have been a go-to source to better understand the risks of traveling to a destination. Going into 2021, resources such as the CDC and State Department will continue to be important when evaluating the right destinations to travel. However, they can be confusing to read and oftentimes, scary. So let’s break it down.

CDC Alert Levels

There are 3 levels at the CDC: "watch" "alert" and "warning".

Watch Level 1 - Practice usual precautions. Make sure you adhere to all normal vaccine and medication requirements before entering the country.

Alert Level 2 - Practice enhanced precautions. Typically these countries are at risk from or experiencing outbreaks that are difficult to control or have limited medical supplies and facilities. 

Warning Level 3 - Avoid all non-essential travel.

No Travel Health Notice: Country doesn’t need any outstanding health warnings

State Department Advisory Levels

Level 1: Exercise normal precautions

Level 2: Exercise increased caution

Level 3: Reconsider travel 

Level 4: Do not travel

Each country will have both a CDC alert level and a State Department Advisory Level. At the start of the pandemic, every country got a State Department advisory level of 4 due to covid-19. However, they have since done away with that system and now rate each country individually. This means that when you are looking for your next dream destination to visit in 2021, these ratings will be updated and personalized to each country.

These ratings may seem scary especially when some levels are based on crime instead of covi-19. It’s best to remember that everything is relative. Every country has crimes such as theft and kidnapping. Oftentimes, when a safety rating for a country includes a warning about crime it is mentioned in accordance with a specific destination within the country. Stick to the main tourist destinations or safe areas of the country and you will have an amazing time.

Read more about where it's safe to travel now » 

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International Travel Predictions 

Trip Type

Group travel in the United Kingdom.

There are two distinct trip types to expect to hold popularity in 2021. The first is private guided tours. This gained popularity recently due to the coronavirus and it can be expected to continue growing in popularity as we approach the next year. This type of travel style ensures an immersive, personable experience without the risk of touring with a large group of people. Private guided tours include a tour guide dedicated solely to you as well as private accommodations and transportation. If the coronavirus is a serious risk for you or someone you will be traveling with, this is the best travel style to keep you safe and ease your worries.

The second trip type to gain popularity in 2021 is one that is yet to hit. This is group travel. While this may not be an option in the immediate term, as we get into the next year, it will become a style most in demand. This is due to the growing desires for connection. The pandemic has isolated many people, keeping them inside to wait out the storm and limiting many interactions to a virtual format. As the coronavirus begins to ease, group travel will be a great way to meet new people and explore the world with like minded travelers.


Luxury hotel in Indonesia.

Much like the expected trends for travel style, the budget has two expected trends in 2021 and they are drastically different from each other. The first is budget travel. This gained popularity during the pandemic. Times have been hard on everyone and travel may not have seemed in the cards recently. Budget travel is a great way to explore the world without breaking the bank. From choosing accommodations such as camping or destinations with cheaper experiences such as India, there are many great ways to travel on a budget in 2021 while you recover from all that 2020 brought.

The other budget trend to expect in the next year is luxury travel. The coronavirus causes a stressful year for many which makes sense why health and wellness would grow in popularity in 2021. This may include luxury hotels and spa experiences among other refreshing and exhilarating experiences. Luxury trips may also mean experiences such as private guided or custom where you can have an independent or perfectly personalized trip. This is a great option if you want to not only rewind but reset in the new year.


Stunning nature found in the United States.

Nature travel has grown in popularity in the current year and should continue growing in 2021. This type of travel avoids cramped spaces often connected with history tours and classical sightseeing. The outdoors offers many different activities from hiking to climbing, biking and boating. Nature travel isn’t just for travelers who love to get their heart pumping in the outdoors. It’s also great for those who need a break from technology, something that has taken over due to the pandemic. Disconnect and explore the world and its stunning natural landscapes.

Another travel interest to look for in the coming year is cultural immersion and homestays. If you’re worried about large crowds during the coronavirus, classical tourist sightseeing or cultural city tours might not be the best option looking into 2021. Local immersion and homestays are a great way to experience the culture of a destination without the health risks of large city crowds.


Hiking in Italy.

Due to the prediction of nature travel being a hot pick for travel in 2021, it makes sense that hiking will be a popular activity. HIking allows travelers to avoid large crowds and heavily populated areas. Get out in nature and unwind from the stress of 2020, exploring forests and caves, waterfalls and glaciers. Hiking is a great activity no matter what destination you decide to visit.

Another great activity to consider for your 2021 trip is canoeing. This activity is another great way to immerse yourself in nature. Canoes are often limited to a small group which makes this activity safer for those worried about covid-19. Great for wildlife viewing and nature exploration, canoeing is perfect for the curious and adventurous at heart.

Top 10 National parks to visit in 2021

Grand Canyon National Park - US

Grand Canyon National Park.

One of the most iconic national parks in all of the US, the Grand Canyon is home to stunning natural landscapes and a multitude of outdoor adventures. Hiking, rafting and swimming are only a few of the many activities you can take part in while visiting this national park.

Cabrits National Park - Dominica

A wonderland for nature lovers, Cabrits National Park is home to tropical forests surrounded by extinct volcanoes. Many trails offer views of the ocean and forests that are great for any outdoors lover. It is also home to Fort Shirley which is rich in culture and history.

Etosha National Park - Namibia

Etosha National Park, Namibia.

Famous for its wildlife, Etosha National Park is named after the salt pan which is one of the biggest in Africa. Nature lovers and Photography lovers alike will enjoy getting up close and personal with animals such as the lion, elephant, giraffe and cheetah. If you’re thinking of going on a safari in 2021, this is the national park for you.

Pacific Rim National Park - Canada

Marked by mountains and rainforests, Pacific Rim National Park is broken up into three regions - Long Beach, the Broken Group Islands and the west Coast Trail. Go climbing or surfing. Snap pictures of the stunning beach or go hiking on one of the many trails throughout the park.

Torres del Paine National Park - Chile

Torres del Paine National Park in Chile.

Known for its varying landscapes, Torres del Paine National Park is home to mountains, icebergs and grasslands. Trekking and hiking are popular activities here as well as photography and some wildlife viewing.

Ranomafana National Park - Madagascar

Home to rare flora and fauna, Ranomafana National Park is a great destination for wildlife viewing, hiking and photography. Travelers can spot many rare lemurs as well as 115 avian species which is great for the birder. There are five hiking trails that will give you the full scenic experience of the destination.

Yellowstone National Park - US

Yellowstone National Park.

Another iconic national park not only in the US but in the world is Yellowstone National Park. It is well known for its geysers specifically Old Faithful but it yields many diverse landscapes from waterfalls to forests and lakes. Hiking, rafting, camping and wildlife viewing are popular activities here.

Serengeti National Park - Tanzania

Serengeti National Park.

An amazing destination for wildlife lovers, Serengeti National Park is home to herds of wildebeests and zebras. Expect to also see black eagles and rhinos among other magnificent creatures. For cultural activities, visit a Massai village or for a wildlife experience go on a game drive.

Cinque Terre National Park - Italy

Cinque Terre National Park.

Surrounded by seaside villages, Cinque Terre National Park is rich with history, nature and cuisine. Visit ancient churches and castles, go boating, hiking or climbing and try the local foods in the surrounding villages. 

Yosemite National Park - US

Yosemite National Park.

Known for its vista and granite cliffs, Yosemite National Park is also home to waterfalls, meadows, valleys and a diverse collection of wildlife. This destination is great for camping and hiking with over 750 miles of trail for travelers to immerse themselves in the stunning natural landscapes.

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Destinations on the rise for 2021


Stunning forest in Alaska.

Why Visit: A beautiful destination, Alaska is home to a multitude of experiences, many involving nature. Alaska is known as one of the best places for wildlife viewing. It is also home to rich culture, glaciers and other stunning landscapes such as lakes and forests. If you’re looking for a digital detox, think about visiting Alaska in 2021.

Best Time to Go: There’s no time that you can go wrong when visiting Alaska. However, June to July is the prime time if you don’t want to deal with the summer rain, if you want the most daylight and the best accessibility to activities.

Reopening Status: Travelers from other states may still visit Alaska. International travelers must comply with the overall United States restrictions for who can visit at this time. At this time travelers coming from Australia and Canada can visit the US but not those coming fromt he UK.

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from another state in the US or a different entirely will need to follow new safety regulations. These include submitting a Travel Declaration Form and a Self-Isolation Plan through an online portal. They will need to present a negative coronavirus test upon arrival, purchase a $250 covid-19 test to be taken upon arrival and quarantine until results arrive.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guided tour in Alaska will allow you to immerse yourself in nature in a more intimate way with a guide dedicated solely to you. A custom trip to Alaska ensures you have the nature and wildlife experiences you desire whether it's national parks you want to tour or trekking across glaciers. Custom trips allow you to create your perfect Alaska vacation.


Island in Dominica.

Why Visit: For any traveler looking for nature travel, Dominica is a top choice for 2021. Expect to find sandy beaches, mountains, rivers and more, all open for your exploration. This destination is great for nature and adventure travelers but also those interested in health and wellness. It’s often known for its quiet, serene qualities which makes it a perfect destination to escape to after the stressful year of covid-19.

Best Time to Go: If you want to avoid the large crowds and high humidity, October to January is the best time to visit Botswana.

Reopening Status: Dominica has opened their borders to visitors including those coming from the US, Australia, UK and Canada.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers will need to present a negative coronavirus test and get tested again upon arrival. Those whose tests are negative must quarantine for 5 days. Those with a positive test result must quarantine for 14 days.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guide in Dominica will know which beaches to visit, where to get the best nature adventure and where to unwind. They will guide you through each experience to ensure you enjoy every minute. If you want to choose which beaches and national parks to visit or what activities you want to be doing, then creating a custom trip is the right option for you. Don’t follow a pre-planned itinerary you only half love. Design your dream Dominica vacation.



Why Visit: This destination is great for any kind of traveler no matter their interests. Home to stunning landscapes such as Iguazu Falls, Argentina is great for nature lovers and adventure seekers. This destination is also great for culinary and wine tours with its stunning vineyards where you can experience wine tastings. There are also colorful shopping destinations and festivals that are great for the traveler that wants to be immersed in culture.

Best Time to Go:  Spring and Fall are the best times to visit Argentina. This fall from October to December and April to June. These are the best times to avoid tourist crowds and take advantage of the best prices.

Reopening Status: Argentina currently has borders closed to many other countries including travelers coming from the US, Australia, UK and Canada. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening again very soon.

Covid Restrictions: With borders closed, it is unclear what travel restrictions may be in place in the future.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guided tour in Argentina means that a tour guide will be dedicated to only you. They will tour you around the best nature sights, help you find the best food and wine experiences as well as the right cultural experiences. Custom trips allow you to pick these destinations and activities so the trip feels like a perfect match for you.


Tbilisi, Georgia.

Why Visit: Diverse cuisine, stunning natural landscapes, vibrant cities - Georgia is a great destination to get a little taste of everything. This destination is also budget friendly which is helpful in the year following the big coronavirus outbreak. However, you can still have luxury experiences such as a spa day in sulfur baths or wine tastings. For travelers who enjoy culture and history, you’re not left out either. There are many archeological sites to explore here.

Best Time to Go: The best months to visit Georgia include May, June and September. These times will allow you to avoid the blistering summers and freezing winters.

Reopening Status: Georgia currently has borders closed to many other countries including travelers coming from the US, Australia, UK and Canada. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening again very soon.

Covid Restrictions: With borders closed, it is unclear what travel restrictions may be in place in the future.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: Private guides are perfect for a visit to Georgia. They will personally tour you around the best nature destinations as well as the vibrant cities and best food options. With their local knowledge you will get an immersive experience into Georgia. A custom trip allows you to decide which destinations and activities are right for you. This means you don’t have to follow a pre-planned itinerary but instead you get to design your dream vacation.

South Africa

Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Why Visit: 2021 is a great year to visit South Africa because it’s a great budget destination that yields amazing experiences. This destination is one of the best in wildlife spotting and safaris. Expect to see the Big 5! The food here is incredible and the activities abound from horseback riding to hiking & walking tours to cycling

Best Time to Go: The best time to visit South Africa for viewing the Big 5 is from May to September when it is cooler. The best time to visit for bird viewing and warmer temperatures is from November to February.

Reopening Status: South Africa currently has borders closed to many other countries including travelers coming from the US, Australia, UK and Canada. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening again very soon.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers must present a negative coronavirus test and undergo airport screenings. If travelers don’t present a negative test upon arrival they will need to quarantine for 14 days at their own expense.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: What’s better than a guide all to yourself? A private guide in South Africa means a guide dedicated only to you will take you on the safaris and through national parks to fully immerse you in the adventures of South Africa. If there are specific destinations or activities that you want to experience, custom trips are a great way to create your perfect trip.


Aveiro, Portugal.

Why Visit: This destination is a must for travelers who love history and culture. This is a great place for walking tours and classical sightseeing of castles, old villages and chapels. Not interested in sightseeing? Portugal has beaches and many national parks for the outdoors and nature lovers

Best Time to Go: March to May is a popular time to visit Portugal when the temperatures are moderate. If you want to visit when the weather is warmer and the crowds are smaller, September to October is the best time. The summer months of June to August can get very hot but they are great for a beach experience.

Reopening Status: Portugal has begun to reopen to some countries but not all. Travelers coming from the UK and Canada are allowed to visit while those coming from the US and Australia are still prohibited. 

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from Australia must present a negative test while travelers coming from the UK must be tested upon arrival.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: Portugal offers many walking tours of culturally rich destinations. With a private guide you can be fully immersed in these sites with the local knowledge of a guide dedicated solely to you. Custom trips are also another great way to visit Portugal. Decide which destinations and activities you want to experience to create your perfect Portugal trip.


Cairo, Egypt.

Why Visit: Considered a very tourist-friendly destination, Egypt is home to some of the most iconic attractions. From the Great Pyramids of Giza to the Sphinx to the Egyptian museum, culture is rich here and so is the history. Take a break from sightseeing and sail the Nile River or try some Egyptian cuisine. In 2021, Egypt will be among the popular destinations for culture and history enthusiasts.

Best Time to Go: The best time to visit Egypt is between October and April when the weather is pleasant. However, if you want to avoid the crowds you can go in the hotter temperature months between May and September.

Reopening Status: Egypt has reopened to foreign visitors including those coming from the US, UK, Australia and Canada.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers must present a negative coronavirus test upon arrival and potentially undergo airport screenings which often include an additional covid-19 test.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: Egypt is home to many touring and sightseeing experiences. Going on a private guided tour ensures your guide is dedicated only to you which means a more immersive and knowledgeable experience at each site you tour. If there are specific destinations you want to visit such as the Great Pyramids or the Sphinx, a custom trip is the perfect way to include everything on your bucket list.


Temple in Japan.

Why Visit: This destination is on the rise for 2021 due to many reasons. While this destination always brings unforgettable culture, history and nature experiences, in the next year there is something a little extra: the 2021 Olympics. The games were pushed from their slot in 2020 due to the pandemic and are now set to open in Tokyo starting on July 23.

To help travelers from all over the world visit for the games, Japan will be easing entry restrictions. This is great news for those eyeing this country as their vacation destination in 2021. It will be easier to enter than it has been in months and many tourist attractions and accommodations will be open to visitors.

Best Time to Go: For comfortable weather and small crowds, visit between March and April or from October to November. The most crowded time to visit Japan is from April to May while the least is from January to March.

Reopening Status: Japan currently has borders closed to many other countries including travelers coming from the US, Australia, UK and Canada. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening again very soon.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers have the option of presenting a negative coronavirus test and getting tested again upon arrival. However, if they don’t do these two things they will need to quarantine for 14 days.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private trip to Japan is great if you want to fully immerse yourself in the history, culture and stunning nature. A tour guided dedicated only to you will help you get the most out of each experience. For a trip that includes everything on your bucket list for a visit to Japan, consider creating a custom trip


Elephants swimming in Botswana.

Why Visit: A great destination for nature and wildlife, Botswana is perfect for the outdoor adventure lover. Here you will find many national parks and game reserves as well as the Kalahari Desert. Some common wildlife you will encounter include elephants, leopards, lions and rhinos among other stunning creatures. After being stuck inside for so long due to covid-19, a little outdoor adventure is a great way to get out of the rut.

Best Time to Go: For the best wildlife experience, visit during the dry season which falls from May to October. While the weather is generally warm during this time, the nights can become very chilly and will require many layers of clothing to stay warm.

Reopening Status: Botswana currently has borders closed to many other countries including travelers coming from the US, Australia, UK and Canada. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening again very soon.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers will need to present a negative coronavirus test and undergo airport screening. Travelers coming from the UK must remain in contact with local health authorities. Travelers coming from the US who don’t present a negative coronavirus test upon arrival will need to quarantine for 14 days. Us travelers who need to quarantine must do so in a hotel approved by the Government of Botswana. On day 10, they will need to be tested and it’s at the expense of the traveler.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guided tour through Botswana means that a tour guide will be along with you for the ride. They will be there to ensure each experience is rich and memorable with fully focused time on only you. If you have specific activities or destinations you want to visit, creating a custom trip is the best way to do this. Craft your perfect itinerary instead of following one that doesn’t perfectly fit your travel style and interests.


Perast, Montenegro.

Why Visit: Nature and culture abound in Montenegro which makes it a great destination for a 2021 vacation. Tour the Old City with its churches, palaces and museums. Take a boat cruise or explore Skadar National Park. There’s not a place here that won’t be rich with experiences.

Best Time to Go: For warm and sunny weather, the best time to visit Montenegro is from April to September. The most crowded times to visit are July and August.

Reopening Status: Montenegro is open to foreign travelers including those coming from the US, UK, Canada and Australia. 

Covid Restrictions: Travelers from the US and Australia must present a negative coronavirus test upon arrival. There are no travel restrictions for travelers coming from the UK and Canada.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: With so many cultural destinations, the best way to become fully immersed and learn the most is with a private guide. They are dedicated only to you and will tour you around each destination so you get the most out of each experience. If you have a bucket list of destinations you’ve always dreamed of visiting in Montenegro, consider choosing a custom trip. This allows you to create the perfect itinerary that fits your travel style and interests.

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Caribbean 2021 Travel Destinations


Ocho Rios, Jamaica.

Why Visit: For the cultural enthusiast, foodie and nature lover, Jamaica is a great choice for 2021 travel. Experience culture through reggae music and festivals. Try the iconic jerk chicken meal, soak up the sun on the beach or even try snorkeling. Jamaica is home to a wide range of unforgettable and exciting experiences.

Best Time to Go: Peak tourist season is from January to March. To avoid crowds and still enjoy pleasant weather, visit Jamaica from November to December. The cheapest time to visit is in the summer but this makes for a bad time to visit because it's hurricane season.

Reopening Status: Jamaica has reopened to foreign visitors including those coming from the US, UK, Australia and Canada.

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from specific states in the US and travelers coming from the UK will need to present a negative coronavirus test upon arrival. All travelers will need to undergo airport screening and a 14-day quarantine. A travel authorization form is also required to be completed by all travelers visiting Jamaica.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guided trip to Jamaica means that the attention of your tour guide will be focused entirely on you. They will help you find the right because, experiences and cuisine. If you want your tour guide to take you to all the places on your bucket list, custom trips will allow you to do just that. Work with a travel planner to choose your experiences, destinations and accommodations.


Beautiful beach in Curacao.

Why Visit: Curacao is home to a unique and diverse culture. Due to all the influences on the country, you’ll hear many different languages being spoken from Dutch to Spanish to Papiamento as well and English. This destination is also great for the nature lover. Hiking, birding and safaris are common activities in national parks. 

Best Time to Go: To avoid crowds, get the cheapest prices and still enjoy nice weather, the best time to visit Curacao is from May to November.

Reopening Status: Curacao has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK and Canada. 

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from Australia are still prohibited from entering. All travelers will need to present a negative coronavirus test that is no older than 72 hours. Travelers coming from Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey and New York will also need a digital immigration card, passenger locator card and valid insurance.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: For a more intimate immersion into the culture and for undivided attention on your outdoor adventures, a private guided tour is the best option. Your tour guide will be focused only on you as they help you get the most out of your Curacao trip. For added luxury and personalization, think about also choosing a custom trip. This will allow you to craft your dream trip with none of the things you don’t want.

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia.

Why Visit: The perfect destination for nature lovers, Saint Lucia has a wide range of exciting landscapes from mountains to beaches to forests to coral reefs. Go hiking, snorkeling, ziplining or just relax on the beach.

Best Time to Go: The best time to visit Saint Lucia for the most sunshine is from December to April. However, if you’re looking for cheaper prices and fewer crowds then June to November is a better time to visit. However, it should be noted that this is the wet season and will bring frequent rain.

Reopening Status: St. Lucia has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK, Australia and Canada.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers will need to present a negative coronavirus test and undergo airport screenings which include temperature checks. All travelers will also need to have proof of a covid certified hotel and complete a travel registration form.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: With so many nature activities to do, a private guide would help you get the most out of each experience. Have some activities or destinations in mind for your Saint Lucia trip? Choose a custom trip to perfectly design the exact itinerary that fits your travel interests.


Beach in Anguilla.

Why Visit: A great destination for luxury travel, Anguilla is home to classy resorts and soft, sandy beaches. However, beach lounging isn’t the only thing to do here. Go snorkeling, paddleboarding, hiking or horseback riding. 

Best Time to Go: The most popular and expensive time to visit is from winter to spring because it brings the best weather. Prices are cheapest in September and October but many properties close down during this time due to low levels of tourism. The best time to visit Anguilla is from May to August because of good package deals and avoiding the brunt of hurricane season.

Reopening Status: Anguilla has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK and Canada. Note: These travelers may only enter if they are granted a travel authorization ticket.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers will need to present a negative coronavirus test, take another test upon arrival and quarantine for at least 10 days.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guided tour in Anguilla means that your tour guide will help you get the most out of each experience. Whether its finding the perfect beach or hiking, your tour guide will be right there with you, ensuring you’re having the time of your life. Custom trips and private guided trips are a great combo because you wouldn’t want a guide to tour you around sites that you don’t want to see or activities you don’t want to experience. Don’t just follow a pre planned trip that’s not right for you. Create your dream Anguilla vacation.


Crystal waters in the Bahamas.

Why Visit: Luxury, delectable cuisine, sandy beaches, unique wildlife experiences - the Bahamas has it all. Try Bahamian food which is a common mix of Southern American cuisine and Caribbean. Think cornbread or rice mixed with spicy seafood. A unique experience for animal lovers is the opportunity to go swimming with pigs! 

Best Time to Go: For the best weather visit the Bahamas during December and April. However, it should be noted that this is also the most crowded time to visit. Hurricane season is from June to November.

Reopening Status: Bahamas has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK, Australia and Canada. 

Covid Restrictions: All travelers must present a negative coronavirus test no older than five days and upload it to the Health Visa system prior to arrival. A 14-day quarantine is mandatory for all travelers. They must also complete a travel health visa application.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guide is perfect for the Bahamas. They will ensure you have an immersive cultural, nature and wildlife experience each day of your trip. You won’t have to share them with any other travelers. They are solely dedicated to you. To ensure you experience everything on your bucket list, be sure to choose a custom trip where you can work with a travel planner to find the right experiences, destinations and accommodations for your travel style.

Puerto Rico

Colorful street in Puerto Rico.

Why Visit: If you’re looking for a culture and history trip in 2021, Puerto Rico is a great destination to consider. Here you can find old Spanish roots in cobblestone streets and painted houses. Puerto Rico is also great for outdoor activities such as surfing and golfing.

Best Time to Go: The best time to visit Puerto Rico is between the busy season and the rainy season. This falls during the months of April and June.

Reopening Status: Puerto Rico has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK, Australia and Canada.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers must present a travel declaration form and a negative coronavirus test issued no earlier than 72 hours before arrival. Travelers who don’t present a test and don’t want to be tested upon arrival must undergo a 14-day quarantine.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: With so much rich culture and history, a private guided tour is essential if you want to truly get to the heart of Puerto Rico. A private guide will tour you around each location and give you their local insight and knowledge. If you already know the destinations you want your tour guide to take you around, then choose a custom trip. Craft your perfect itinerary with all your bucket list destinations.


White sand beach in Aruba.

Why Visit: Looking for a wellness destination for 2021? Look no further than Aruba. Enjoy a yoga class on the white, sandy beaches or go kayaking to immerse yourself in nature and disconnect from the rest of the world.

Best Time to Go: With little to no threat of hurricanes, Aruba is a great destination year round. The most popular time to visit is from January to March when the weather is the best. If you want cheaper prices visit between April and August.

Reopening Status: Aruba has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK and Canada. Travelers coming from Australia are still prohibited from entering.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers will need to present a negative coronavirus test, undergo airport screenings which include temperature checks, obtain approval through the Embarkation/Disembarkation form, purchase Aruba covi coverage insurance and download the Aruba Health App.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: To ensure you’re truly having the wellness trip you desire, a private guided trip is perfect. Your private guide will be there each step of the way ensuring you are able to unwind and enjoy your stay. Choose a custom trip if you want to decide which experiences to have. Everyone knows how they unwind the best, so craft your perfect itinerary with a travel planner.

Turks and Caicos Islands

Sunset on a beach in Turks and Caicos Islands.

Why Visit: Turks and Caicos Islands is home to the third largest barrier reef in the world. This makes it amazing for snorkeling and diving. Water activities in general are very popular experiences here including kiteboarding, paddle boarding and fishing.

Best Time to Go: For fewer crowds and lower prices, the best time to visit Turks and Caicos Islands is during April and May. Hurricanes happen most frequently between June and November.

Reopening Status: Turks and Caicos Islands has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK, Australia and Canada. 

Covid Restrictions: All travelers must present a negative coronavirus test upon arrival and complete pre-authorization. There is no mandatory quarantine.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: Water activities are very hands on and oftentimes, equipment heavy. With a private tour guide, they will help you through each experience so you never feel overwhelmed. To choose which activities you experience, craft a custom trip with a travel planner.

Antigua and Barbuda

Fort James Beach, Antigua and Barbuda.

Why Visit: Iconic for its 365 beaches, Antigua is a tropical paradise. Immerse yourself in the rich culture here through participating in festivals and trying mouth watering seafood. To explore the destination as a whole, take a sailing trip and enjoy a day out on the water.

Best Time to Go:The most popular and expensive time to visit is from December to April but the weather is nicer with less rain. However, the best time to visit Antigua to avoid crowds and find the cheapest prices is from May to November. There will be some threat of hurricanes during this time but the weather is still sunny and warm.

Reopening Status: Antigua and Barbuda has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK, Australia and Canada.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers will need to present a negative coronavirus test, undergo airport screenings which include temperature checks as well as undergo a 14-day quarantine. All travelers must also complete a health declaration form.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: Private tour guides often have insider and local knowledge. This means they will know all the best beaches and when to go to avoid the crowds, the best festivals and seafood restaurants. Your private guide will ensure you have the best experiences possible in Antigua. If you prefer to choose the destinations yourself, a custom trip is perfect for that. Work with a travel planner to craft your dream trip.



Why Visit: For the outdoor adventure traveler, Barbados is your destination. Explore local caves, swim with turtles or hike through rainforests. Not interested in the nature adventure? There’s great cuisine, beaches and shopping areas that are great for any type of traveler. 

Best Time to Go: Peak season is from December to April. Weather stays nice year round so to avoid large tourist crowds, visit Barbados from July to November.

Reopening Status: Barbados has reopened to international visitors including travelers coming from the US, UK and Canada.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers will need to present a negative coronavirus test, undergo airport screenings which include temperature checks and fill out an immigration form. Travelers coming from the US must quarantine for 14 days.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: As you enjoy your outdoor adventures, your private guided tour will help you along. They will ensure you’re safe and content while also showing you the best sites and imparting fascinating knowledge along the way. For the traveler who wants more control of their experiences, a custom trip to Barbados is ideal. Choose where you want to go and what you want to see down to every detail.

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Europe 2021 Travel Destinations


Cobh, County Cork, Ireland.

Why Visit: Nature, history and culture are rich in Ireland. There are many untouched natural landscapes to explore, many archaeological and historic sites to visit and pubs to experience.

Best Time to Go: To avoid the crowds but also avoid the cold winters, the best time to visit Ireland is between March and May or September and November.

Reopening Status: Ireland’s borders are open. Travelers coming from the US, UK, Australia and Canada can all visit now. 

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from the US must quarantine for 14 days and complete a public health Passenger Locator Form.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: With all the rich culture and history, a private guide in Ireland will ensure you have the best, most in-depth time in this country. They’ll share local secrets whether you’re looking for food or touring castles. A custom trip is a great choice if you already have a bucket list of destinations you want to visit in Ireland.


Quaint town in Austria.

Why Visit: Home to beautiful villages, winter sports and historical art & music, Austria is a great destination for travelers with many interests. The Alps are perfect for skiing and many hills are great for gliding. From quaint historical villages to brilliant cathedrals, history is rich here. 

Best Time to Go: April and May or September and October are the best months to visit Austria for nice weather and smaller crowds.

Reopening Status: Austria is open to travelers coming from the UK but not travelers coming from the US, Australia or Canada. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from the UK must present a negative coronavirus test upon arrival.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guided tour is a great choice for an Austria trip because it means a tour guide will be dedicated solely to you. If you’re a nature lover they’re up for the adventure and will help you ski, hike or any other outdoor activity. If you prefer the cultural scene, they’ll tour you through each destination so you walk away feeling fulfilled. If you don’t want to follow a pre planned itinerary then custom trips are for you. Create your dream vacation with a travel planner to include only the destinations and activities you truly care about.


Chateau de Chambord, Chambord, France.

Why Visit: Home to some of the most iconic tourist attractions, France is a great destination not just for classical sightseeing but nature and culture travel as well. Some sites you can’t miss out on include the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. For nature lovers don’t miss out on the French Alps or Monte Carlo beach.

Best Time to Go: France is nice year round. April and May are the best months in Spring. June and August are the best months for summer travel and September and October are ideal for fall travel. However, winter is the best time to visit Paris because it is less crowded with tourists but still lively with locals.

Reopening Status: France is open to travelers coming from the UK, Australia and Canada but not travelers coming from the US. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers must present a negative coronavirus test and undergo airport screenings. Travelers coming from the US or any travelers presenting symptoms upon arrival will need to quarantine for 14 days.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guide is perfect for touring attractions such as the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre Museum. The tour guide will ensure you feel immersed wherever you go with local insight and rich cultural and historical knowledge. And private guided means you won’t have to share them with anyone else. Have a list of must-sees while you visit France? Choose a custom trip so you can create the perfect itinerary that will fulfill your bucket list.


Stockholm, Sweden.

Why Visit: Palaces, museums and national parks abound in Sweden. This is a great destination for history and culture lovers with many landmarks such as castles and palaces to visit. For the nature lover don’t miss out on visiting Sarek National Park or try your hand at skiing if you’re visiting in the winter. 

Best Time to Go: For the best weather when cafes and attractions are all open, visit Sweden from June to August.

Reopening Status: Sweden is open to travelers coming from the UK and Australia but not travelers coming from the US or Canada. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: There are no travel restrictions at this time.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: From museums and castles to national parks, a private guide will help immerse you into Sweden. If you really want to get to the heart of the country then a private guided tour is for you. Try combining it with a custom trip where you can work with a travel planner to create the perfect itinerary for your travel style and budget.

United Kingdom

London, United Kingdom.

Why Visit: While the United Kingdom definitely has great cities and towns worth exploring, it also has stunning natural landscapes and rich history. From mountains to rolling hills to valleys and streams, there is something for every nature lover. If history is more your style, there’s much to choose from with prehistoric history or current monarchy history.

Best Time to Go: The United Kingdom has nice weather year round but for the warmest and driest weather, visit either from March to June or September to November.

Reopening Status: The United Kingdom is open to many travelers including those coming from the US, Australia and Canada. 

Covid Restrictions: All travelers except those coming from Australia must quarantine for 14 days. All travelers including those coming from Australia must complete a public health passenger locator form.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: A private guided trip in the UK ensures the tour guide is dedicated only to you. This is perfect for touring cities, towns and natural landscapes. Know where you want to visit? Don’t just follow a pre planned itinerary. Craft your dream vacation with a custom trip.


Athens, Greece.

Why Visit: Greece is home to stunning natural landscapes and archeological sites. Travelers can explore beaches, alleys, forests and isolated coves. These landscapes are great for outdoor activities such as kayaking, hiking and surfing. Greece is also home to some iconic historic destinations such as Acropolis, Delphi and Byzantine monuments.

Best Time to Go: The busiest time and most expensive months are July and August. However, there’s pleasant weather from April to November.

Reopening Status: Greece is open to travelers coming from the UK, Australia and Canada but not travelers coming from the US. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers except those coming from Australia will need to quarantine for 14 days. All travelers including those coming from Australia will need to fill out a Public Health Passenger Locator Form.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: To ensure you get the most out of each historical site, a private guided tour in Greece is a good option. A tour guide is dedicated solely to you which means you get out of the experience what you desire to learn. To include each Greece destination and site you want to see, choose a custom trip and craft your perfect itinerary.


Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Why Visit: A budget friendly destination, Croatia has many outdoor destinations and activities to experience.  Home to eight national parks, stunning beaches and islands, there’s opportunity for hiking, kayaking and boating among other outdoor experiences. Are you a Game of Thrones fan? Tour some of the filming locations.

Best Time to Go: May and June are the best times to visit Croatia from sunny weather that’s perfect for swimming and outdoor activities.

Reopening Status: Croatia is open to travelers coming from the US, UK and Canada but not travelers coming from Australia. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from the US must present a negative coronavirus test upon arrival. US Travelers who have an expired PCR test will need to quarantine for 10 days pending the results of their new test. US Travelers who don’t have a test and don’t want to take one will need to quarantine for 14 days. Travelers coming from the US and Canada must undergo airport screenings. 

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip:  Private guided trips mean a tour guide is dedicated only to you. This is perfect for outdoor exploration. They’ll help you along the way and immerse you in the heart of Croatia. Custom trips are great if you have specific things to check off your bucket list. Work with a travel planner to create your dream vacation.


Kobenhavn, Denmark.

Why Visit: There’s never a dull moment in Denmark. There are many great destinations for sightseeing including museums, art galleries, palaces and castles. There’s also great nightlife and lively shopping spots.

Best Time to Go: For the best weather and the best time for open tourist attractions, visit Denmark between June and August.

Reopening Status: Denmark is open to travelers coming from the UK, Australia and Canada but not travelers coming from the US. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: There are no travel restrictions at this time.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: With so much rich history and sightseeing destinations, a private guided tour in Denmark will give you the most immersive experience possible. Your tour guide will take you through each destination, showing you the best sights and imparting fascinating insider knowledge. If you don’t want to just follow any itinerary, work with a travel planner and create a custom trip. This will give you the opportunity to create your own itinerary with destinations and experiences that perfectly fit your travel style.


Beach view in Portugal.

Why Visit: Portugal is one of the oldest countries in Europe which means it is home to some rich history. There are many castles, cathedrals and museums to explore. Portugal is also home to great beaches, vineyards and other stunning natural landscapes.

Best Time to Go: For long days, mild temperatures and a blooming countryside, visit Portugal from May to August. This is also the ideal time for birding in Portugal.

Reopening Status: Portugal is open to travelers coming from the UK and Canada but not travelers coming from the US or Australia. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from the UK must undergo airport screening which could include coronavirus testing and temperature scans.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: With so many historical sites, a privatebtour guide in Portugal is a great way to get the most out of each place. Private guided tours will offer this type of personalized, intimate experience. To check everything off your bucket list, choose a custom trip where you can create your perfect itinerary with a travel planner.


Venezia, Italy.

Why Visit: Italy is a great destination for any type of traveler. Culture, history, cuisine & wine, nature - Italy has it all. Whatever your interest, popular destinations such as Rome, Venice and Florence will have something amazing for you to experience.

Best Time to Go: The best time to visit Italy is from April to June or September to October when the weather is comfortable and the crowds are fewer.

Reopening Status: Italy is open to travelers coming from the UK, Australia and Canada but not travelers coming from the US. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: Travelers coming from Australia and Canada must quarantine for 14 days. All travelers must complete a self declaration form.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: Home to so many experiences, it can be hard to fully immerse yourself in the country. Private guided tours in Italy are great for travelers who want a guide dedicated solely to showing them around and imparting fascinating knowledge. Custom trips are a great combination with private guided travel. It’s not fun to tour just any sites but the ones you really care about seeing. This is exactly what you’ll get with custom trips.

Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic.

Why Visit: The culture in the Czech Republic makes it a great choice for 2021 travel. This country has the most castles in all of Europe. There are many other UNESCO world heritage sites such as the Kutna Hora that are perfect for history lovers. There’s also great brewery and beer culture here.

Best Time to Go: From July to September is the busiest time of year so to avoid crowds but still enjoy pleasant weather, visit the Czech Republic from April to June.

Reopening Status: The Czech Republic is open to travelers coming from the UK, Australia and Canada but not travelers coming from the US. Looking into 2021, there is hope of it reopening to more countries very soon.

Covid Restrictions: All travelers must present a negative coronavirus test, undergo airport screenings and participate in a 14-day quarantine.

Why Choose a Private Guided or Custom Trip: To really get a true taste of Czech Republic culture, a private guided tour is a great option. Your personal tour guide will show you around each site and help you experience exactly what interests you, not a group of random people. Custom trips are perfect for the traveler who already knows what they want to see. Work with a travel planner to create your perfect Czech Republic vacation.

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