A thought provoking journey
The trip introduced me to many aspects of the history of Central Asia of which I knew little. It has inspired me to read more on the subject. I was also possible t...
"Why do you want to go there?"
When I told people I was going to three of the 'Stans', their question was always why ? To be honest, I wasn't sure myself until I'd been, but they are very differ...
Wonderful Trip
If you like history, visiting beautiful buildings and tasting local food, this is the trip for you. Yes there are some bad roads to contend with, but that's a smal...
the silk road
a simply amazing tour. not sure about describing this tour as inspirational but to see part of the old silk rd was/is part of our desire to see as much of it as po...
The Silk Road
This is a trip full of contrasts and culture. Uzbekistan was the best part of the trip, with an enormous amount of history and beautiful buildings. As a nation, th...