Beautiful beaches, adventurous day trips
Beautiful beaches, adventurous day trips, exploring the Amazon Rainforest…these are just some of the amazing things I saw and did on my trip to North Brazil. This to...
North Brazil is such a beautiful area
North Brazil is such a beautiful area of the country filled with tropical beaches and blue waters. However, this was nothing compared to Lençóis Maranhenses National...
I didn’t even know pink dolphins existed
There were things on the North Brazil trip that I would never have discovered or experienced had it not been for CharlieTheTraveling booking them for me. I would nev...
It was the best trip
My trip to North Brazil totally rocked! I am so happy that I chose CharlieTheTraveler to take my trip. They included 2 weeks of pure fun in action-packed day trips a...
I am so happy
My trip to North Brazil totally rocked! I am so happy that I chose CharlieTheTraveler to take my trip. They included 2 weeks of pure fun in action-packed day trips a...