Discovering the Baltic Countries
Well organised, our guide Migle was excellent with good knowledge and well motivated. Quite a busy schedule, some of the hotels were a bit quirky but that added t...
Excellent Baltic Tour
Excellent Baltic tour covering three countries and popping over to Bosnia for lunch. Great culture tour, very varied with city tours and history together with vill...
Great tour with very interesting history
This tour covered a lot of ground in a short time. We learned so much of the history of this area and its people. It was good to have mix of activities in the citi...
Discover the Baltics
The trip was very good. We had 11 in our group and were a mix of American, British, Australian and an Italian. Hotels were pleasant and transport was comfortable...
Beautiful Baltics
Nearly two weeks travelling through the Baltic countries, this tour was a nice mix of historic cities and national parks. Should I ever be lucky enough to own a pala...