A priceless trip. Thanks for the laughs and memories!
My 3 friends and I who are from the US, we were going to travel south Laos but had no idea what to expect there, but Esther made our trip one I will never forget. Th...
Worth every penny for first class service.
My partner and I spent 16 days in Laos and Cambodia recently and this was a wonderful trip. The tour is perfect, and our guides were superb. Most of them are very kn...
A transforming and magical journey to Myanmar, Cambodia, Bali and Java.
In all our years of travel, we’ve never experienced a more transforming and magical journey than the one Toni planned for us. Her meticulous planning ensured that th...
Myths staff members Toni and Jen answered ALL of our questions and we felt well prepared for our adventure.
Myths staff members Toni and Jen answered ALL of our questions and we felt well prepared for our adventure. The trip design could not have been better. We absolutely...
Bottom line is that we had a wonderful time, guides and accommodations were excellent and we were impressed that your local tour operator, had our backs.
All of our interactions with Toni and Jen were totally professional. Your rapid responses were appreciated, since we were working on a relatively abbreviated time l...