Wonderful group of people to travel with in a beautiful and very interesting country
Wonderful group of people to travel with in a beautiful and very interesting country.
This was a great trip to see the best of Sri Lanka on a short space of time, and made it easy to have it so well organised so I didn't have to think of anything
This was a great trip to see the best of Sri Lanka on a short space of time, and made it easy to have it so well organised so I didn't have to think of anything. I d...
This is very hard to do as the trip was so good and there were so many positives i find it hard to sum up the whole ten or so days
This is very hard to do as the trip was so good and there were so many positives i find it hard to sum up the whole ten or so days. All i can say is that this trip i...
An excellent way to travel, and I'm likely to do it again
An excellent way to travel, and I'm likely to do it again.
Very enjoyable and I would certainly recommend it to both friends and family
Very enjoyable and I would certainly recommend it to both friends and family. A great way to meet new people and a very good way to learn and experience everything S...