I think I got a very good taste and saw many of the highlights of the places that we visited in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia
I think I got a very good taste and saw many of the highlights of the places that we visited in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. I saw culturally significant pl...
This was my second GAP adventure, and I am happy to say that yet again, I feel like I am a changed person because of my amazing CEO and the cultural experiences he guided me through
This was my second GAP adventure, and I am happy to say that yet again, I feel like I am a changed person because of my amazing CEO and the cultural experiences he g...
My first tour experience was fantastic
My first tour experience was fantastic! I would not hesitate to recommend G Advententures to anyone who was looking to vacation in another part of the world for the ...
The SE Asia adventure was a wonderful experience in the way people live, there beliefs & culture and the beauty of each country
The SE Asia adventure was a wonderful experience in the way people live, there beliefs & culture and the beauty of each country. Having to do it with follow adve...
This was a fantastic trip from start to finish
This was a fantastic trip from start to finish! It was worth every Pennie ! You definetly get your money's worth. Everyday you are absolutely amazed with what you ju...