African Trails

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Reviews & Ratings

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5  Excellent

100% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

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Jun 2019

Provided byAfrican Trails

Was excellent and a good mate.

Who said you can not enjoy a long Overland Safari? I had a wonderful time during the 7 month Trans Africa. Part of the West cost of Africa was a challenge which I w...

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Operator Overview

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# of trips


Travelers age

5 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$2,062 - $8,335

Service level


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About African Trails

About Us

African Trails have been running overland camping safaris since the 1980’s, we have over 30 years’ experience. Our aim is for you to have a memorable and rewarding experience at a cost you can afford. We offer the services of a trained crew, well maintained modern vehicles and equipment.

Our overland safari leaders are all experienced travelers, trained in African and Asianoverlanding. Their enthusiasm, experience, and knowledge of the countries we travel through ensure you will have a rewarding trip. They are proficient in mechanics and are qualifi...

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