ASA Cultural Tours

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Reviews & Ratings

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5  Excellent

100% Recommend












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May 2017

I have had great time

I have travelled with ASA twice in the past 15 years: to Turkey and Spain & Morocco. Those tours helped me to better understand history and art, learn about Isla...

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Operator Overview

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Travelers age

50 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$3,011 - $9,354

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About ASA Cultural Tours

In 1977 Christopher Wood left university teaching to inaugurate Australians Studying Abroad (ASA) because he wanted to take learning from the classroom into the world. Chris began leading small groups of university students to Europe during the holidays in order to enhance their campus studies. In the 1980s ASA’s offerings grew to include educational tours for the general public, and ASA exploded as a major public education organisation in the 1990s. In Australia and America, meanwhile, Chris pioneered the much-used current phrase ‘cultural tourism’ long bef...

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