Asia Transpacific Journeys

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Reviews & Ratings

Asia Transpacific Journeys logo

4.7  Excellent

96% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

Asia Transpacific Journeys logo logo


Mar 2024

Way too expensive; Restrictive booking policy where compnay requested non-refundable deposit of $1,000 before cost and details of tour had been finalized.

My feedback on ATJ is based on a requested quote for a trip to a well-known destination in the Himalayas. As any prudent traveler will do before booking any oversea...

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Operator Overview

Asia Transpacific Journeys logo

# of trips


Travelers age

65 - 65


regional Company

Trip prices

$9,865 - $9,865

Service level


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About Asia Transpacific Journeys

Asia Transpacific Journeys is a U.S. based Asia travel company and Asia tour operator providing Asia luxury travel for both Custom Journeys and Small Group Trips. We offer luxury trave...

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