Celtic Tours

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Reviews & Ratings

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5  Excellent

100% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

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Jul 2019

Provided byCeltic Tours

The tour was very well organized

We just returned from the Heart of Ireland Tour. The tour was very well organized and we saw a lot of Ireland. But what made the tour really special was our tour gui...

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Operator Overview

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# of trips


Travelers age

5 - 65


local Company

Trip prices

$1,439 - $2,219

Service level


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About Celtic Tours

Celtic Tours, a leader in bringing you exceptional value and vacation options in Ireland, United Kingdom and throughout Europe, welcomes you to our website! Our expert staff brings you years of vast experience and you can be assured that we treat your vacation as our own. We are a family-owned company founded in 1972. Travel agents and individual passengers can attest to Celtic Tours reputation.

As a Worldwide tour operator, we are pleased to offer you many destinations to choose from, making Celtic your one st...

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