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Reviews & Ratings

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4  Great

67% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

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Jun 2023

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Cosmos? No

We've taken over 10 group tours using Cosmos and Gate1. This trip last month, 9000 was not very good. -During booking, incorrect information was given about airport-...

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Operator Overview

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# of trips


Travelers age

18 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$1,299 - $8,139

Service level


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About Cosmos

Since inventing the budget vacation over 50 years ago, Cosmos has offered savvy, value-minded travelers the most affordable travel packages to the world's most captivating places - from the City of Brotherly Love to the City of Light…from the Great White North to northern Africa…from tropical Hawaii to sub-tropical Lugano, Switzerland…from the rainforests of Brazil to the Lost "City of the Incas." Our incredible value helps travel buffs travel more often.

We understand that you want to get out and experience th...

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