Expect In Africa Safari

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Reviews & Ratings

Expect In Africa Safari logo

5  Excellent

100% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

Expect In Africa Safari logo logo


Nov 2022

Expect in Africa organised the honeymoon of dreams for us in Tanzania!

My husband and I booked with Expect in Africa for our honeymoon in Tanzania and had the most amazing experience! Lawrence put together an excellent itinerary for us ...

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Operator Overview

Expect In Africa Safari logo

# of trips


Travelers age

18 - 65


regional Company

Trip prices

$1,420 - $6,960

Service level


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About Expect In Africa Safari

We pride ourselves on innovation, flexibility and a comprehensive range of travel services, but our primary focus is always the client. We are irrevocably committed to "telling it as it is" and delivering what we promise.

For those of you who have never traveled to Africa or Tanzania, I am sure you have many questions and concerns about safety, health, language, logistics, etc. and we are here to answer all of your questions and help you design an itinerary tailored to your interests.

We will help you prepare for your trip, and once you arrive in Tanzania, we will greet you ...

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