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Reviews & Ratings

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5  Excellent

95% Recommend












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May 2019

Provided byGeoEx

great travel experiences

I have had a couple great travel experiences through GeoEx. My first trip, she helped book my travels to Ireland for my brothers wedding. She did a great job coordin...

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Operator Overview

GeoEx logo

# of trips


Travelers age

5 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$6,800 - $27,995

Service level


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About GeoEx

A pioneer of travel to remote and challenging destinations since 1982, GeoEx (Geographic Expeditions) provides handcrafted cultural tours, treks, safaris, and journeys by ship and train to the world's most astonishing places.

We pour our in-country expertise and passion for eyes-open travel into intelligently designed Scheduled and Custom Trips to the widest array of destinations. You can count on us for engaging and enriching experiences, innovative itineraries, top-notch leaders and lodgings, and the utmost r...

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