Journeys International

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Reviews & Ratings

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5  Excellent

100% Recommend












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Jul 2018


Our trip was planned by Journeys. The ease of our trip was unbelievable!! We were met by each tour with amazing excursions, incredible experiences. We traveled throu...

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Operator Overview

Journeys International logo

# of trips


Travelers age

5 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$7,500 - $7,500

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About Journeys International

Journeys grew from our gratifying experiences in the Peace Corps and as teachers, conservation workers and travelers in Nepal in the early 1970’s. We learned how inspirational and satisfying culturally-respectful and environmentally-sensitive travel can be. After returning to graduate school at the University of Michigan, we longed to revisit the Himalayas. We sat in our student apartment and typed up (on a typewriter!) a one-page flyer inviting "curious, hearty souls" to join us on a "Journey to Nepal." We were clear about what we wanted to do: we hoped to ...

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