Micato Safaris

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Reviews & Ratings

Micato Safaris logo

5  Excellent

93% Recommend












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Michele Buffkin

Mar 2021

Provided byMicato Safaris

I would highly recommend

Top notch safari company. This was my first time going on a safari and it was excellent. Everything went as planned. The company was very prepared to deal with the C...

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Operator Overview

Micato Safaris logo

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Travelers age

18 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$11,575 - $11,575

Service level


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About Micato Safaris

Back in 1966, Felix Pinto, a ranking member of the ex-British Kenyan government, started a luxury safari company.  He also dabbled in gentleman farming on the family's rambling acreage outside Nairobi, which was even profiled in the prestigious American edition of Geo magazine.  Micato's private safaris ultimately prevailed over farming and forty-five years and a Stanford, Harvard and Stanford Business School graduation later, the Pintos are joined by their (well educated!) children in the running of Micato Safaris.  As it has always been, Micato is more tha...

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