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Reviews & Ratings

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4.7  Excellent

97% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

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Norman Meder

Dec 2022

Written on

We had great tour guides

We had great tour guides. And we saw lots of monkeys. Our hotels in La Fortuna and Monteverde were not good as I would have expected from Monogram. The Magic Mount...

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Operator Overview

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Travelers age

6 - 65


global Company

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$0 - $0

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About Monograms

You want to see the world, but you don't know where to begin? Well, we're Monograms and we began a long time ago — putting all of the planning, arranging and coordinating into an all-in-one package. A package that ensures you won’t find yourself forced into the unknown. Monograms factors in your travel dreams while conquering travel obstacles, trading worrying and wondering for wonderment. In places where you won’t even begin to know your way, you’ll never feel lost with Monograms. You have a choice in travel. You can choose to go it alone, or you can choose...

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