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Reviews & Ratings

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4.6  Excellent

90% Recommend












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Apr 2018

Provided byPandaw

Beautiful and was the perfect place

We joined the RV Mekong Pandaw in Kampong Cham for a 3 night cruise to Phnom Penh. I wish we had booked for 7 nights! Amazing staff, gorgeous staterooms, a welcoming...

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Operator Overview

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Travelers age

5 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$1,755 - $7,123

Service level


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About Pandaw

The Pandaw experience is all about exploring remote and often hard-to-navigate rivers and coasts in specially-designed luxury small ships.

Each ship, hand-crafted in brass and teak, is an object of beauty in itself. A Pandaw adventure is very different from that offered on an ocean-going cruise. The ships are small scale, and the atmosphere is informal, and very friendly.

Our Ships

We have sixteen beautifully crafted Pandaw ships in operation that we built ourselves – plus our first coastal ship the Andaman Explorer. Each ship, hand-...

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