Peregrine Adventures

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Reviews & Ratings

Peregrine Adventures logo

4.7  Excellent

92% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

Peregrine Adventures logo logo


Apr 2020

Expect I'm not the only one

they are 'fair weather friends' I did not receive so much as an email advising of changes in the cancellation policy, discovered when I contacted them to cancel. I n...

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Operator Overview

Peregrine Adventures logo

# of trips


Travelers age

36 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$4,985 - $10,938

Service level


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About Peregrine Adventures

It’s been more than 36 years since our first small group set out to discover Nepal. It’s this heritage and our reputation that keeps travellers coming back time and time again.

We appeal to the well-travelled, discerning traveller. The one who chooses value over price, and wants to immerse themselves in a place instead of just ticking landmarks off a bucket list. The type of person who would rather stay in a family run B&B built in a 16th century Venetian convent than a forgettable hotel. We’re for travelle...

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