Rhino Africa Safaris

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Reviews & Ratings

Rhino Africa Safaris logo

4.9  Excellent

100% Recommend












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Aug 2019

It was amazing

I booked my 9 days holiday with Elizabeth Nkoana. It was amazing, professional...

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Operator Overview

Rhino Africa Safaris logo

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Travelers age

5 - 65


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Trip prices

$0 - $0

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About Rhino Africa Safaris

Rhino Africa Safaris is a travel company founded on a passion for Africa. Founded in 2004 we have rapidly become Africa's leading online tour operator. At Rhino Africa Safaris, we are passionate about the people, places and landscapes in Africa and are committed to responsibly promote and arrange travel to, within and from Africa. Our team of self-motivated and exceptional individuals work towards a common goal in a young, dynamic and entrepreneurial ennvironment where individuals are given the opportunity to excel.

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