Thirsty Swagman

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Reviews & Ratings

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5  Excellent

100% Recommend












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Oct 2019

Provided byThirsty Swagman

solid gold!

Maddest drinking trip I've ever been on!! Deffinetly designed for serious al...

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Operator Overview

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# of trips


Travelers age

18 - 49


none Company

Trip prices

$308 - $2,725

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About Thirsty Swagman

Thirsty Adventures – A New Concept in Travel

Thirsty Swagman Pty Ltd was launched on April 2nd 2007, providing a real and exciting alternative to sightseeing travel for those who enjoy a good night out.

The idea to combine international travel with pub and nightlife tours was conceived by Kenneth Hart, Chief Swagman and founder of Thirsty Swagman. It combined his twin passions, travel and a good cold beer.

Kenneth has traveled all his life – usually far off the beaten track, with a local bar or pub in his sights. He believes that visiting a pub and s...

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