VBT Bicycling Vacations

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Reviews & Ratings

VBT Bicycling Vacations logo

4.9  Excellent

98% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

VBT Bicycling Vacations logo logo


Nov 2023

Written on

The best vacation ever

This was the first organized tour my husband and I have ever joined, so we were not sure what to expect , but it turned out to be the best vacation we've ever had. T...

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Operator Overview

VBT Bicycling Vacations logo

# of trips


Travelers age

18 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$1,545 - $6,245

Service level


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About VBT Bicycling Vacations

Since 1971, VBT has crafted immersive and authentic biking vacations for active travelers. When you travel with VBT, you’re not just another tourist—you’re a traveler. With us, you’ll experience your destination with the help of a local, bilingual trip leader with a passion for sharing their home with you. You’ll eat in local restaurants, stay in accommodations that have been family-owned for generations and cycle through vineyards, olive groves, and medieval villages. <...

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