Take a wild Antarctic journey and be one of the few travellers to venture to 66°33'S – very few people ever make it this far south!
Discover an unspoiled wilderness, looking out for polar wildlife like penguins, seals, whales and seabirds from your onboard deck and during your onshore landings on the White Continent.
Experience almost endless daylight in high summer once you’re inside the Antarctic Circle. Then, push further south than most Antarctic expeditions venture, exploring the remoteness of this less-visited part of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Benefit from various onboard activities, including educational lectures on history, geology and ecology by your expert expedition team. When you’ve learned your fill for the day, make the most of the onboard amenities, like the spa, sauna, restaurant, library and bar!
Visit Antarctic research stations during your daily Zodiac excursions and immerse yourself in history, with icebergs in a thousand different shades of blue in the background.