Enjoy daily Zodiac excursions to iconic landing sites, abundant with birdlife and busy penguins, and witness icebergs in a thousand different shades of blue.
Experience almost endless daylight in high summer once you are inside the Antarctic Circle. Then, push further south than most Antarctic expeditions venture, exploring the remoteness of this less-visited part of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Customise your trip with a wide range of optional activities on top of regular Zodiac excursions. Explore the water by kayak, sign up for a photography masterclass, rejuvenate with onboard yoga and massages or take a refreshing polar plunge.
While most polar expeditions of this kind have a crew-to-passenger ratio of ten, fifteen or twenty to one, Intrepid expeditions on the Ocean Endeavour have an expedition crew member for every eight passengers for a greater personal touch.
Our experienced leaders have made hundreds of polar voyages between them. They’re experts in marine biology, glaciology and Antarctic history, and they’ll share their knowledge throughout the journey during a comprehensive lecture program.