Explore an unspoiled wilderness, uninhabited by man, where penguins, seals, whales and seabirds in their abundance are the true rulers.
Emerging from winter, the density of wildlife is increasing, and penguin rookeries are at full capacity with penguin chicks beginning to hatch from mid-December.
Seal and whale sightings become more frequent as minke, southern right and humpback whales return to Antarctic waters to feed, ensuring extraordinary wildlife viewing opportunities.
Enjoy daily Zodiac excursions, onshore landings and take advantage of a range of adventure options during the voyage such as kayaking, camping, photography and snowshoeing.
Benefit from a variety of onboard activities including educational lectures on history, geology, and ecology by the expedition team.
What travelers are saying
"Michelle Middleton is an asset to the customer care team. Easy and honest communication throughout!"