An absolutely amazing holiday with lots of variety in the flora and fauna as it takes you to the city, jungle, mountains and islands. The fourth day of the Inca Trai...
Inca Trai & Amazon Rain Forest
A truly one off experience. Never a dull moment, not a trip if you want a restful holiday. We had a fantastic leader who was completing his 649th inca trail; Bobby k...
This was a brilliant trip that packs a lot into 2 weeks. The service and standard of organisation was excellent. The moment where you climb the steep stairs up...
Inca trail and Amazon Rain forest
It was like three holidays in one! A lot packed into a very short time, brilliant. The magnificent sunsets in the Amazon and on the trail. Luis was a fantastic lead...
Amazon rainforest and Inca Trail
A trip of three distinct parts. It started with three days in the Amazon rainforest which was amixture of treking in the jungle and taking boat trips to view wildlif...