This trip to the Dominican Republic was fantastic! I could not believe how many activities CharlieTheTraveler not only planned, but included in the price. The low pr...
I knew this was the vacation I wanted.
Many trips I go on have too much downtime and a lot of time spent in the hotel figuring out what to do next. I didn’t want that, so when I read the reviews for Charl...
I had no idea the cultural and natural activities would be so fun!
A beach trip is what I was looking for when I booked the Dominican Republic tour with CharlieTheTraveler. However, the company had so much more than beaches to visit...
It was nice to be able to just go on vacation and enjoy it.
I hate planning for vacations because it takes time that I find could be used for other things. It also is stressful which is pointless to going on vacation. My plan...
There was no shortage of activities in this trip planned by CharlieTheTraveler. I had such a great time in the Dominican Republic. The accommodations were perfect an...