Cycling in the Dolomite Valley
Our cycling trip was spectacular in so many ways. The views, learning about the culture, the lovely hotels, the yummy food and, of course the cycling. Our guides, El...
Never ending knock out scenery
During our first VBT trip in Puglia, our guide Martin recommended the Dolomites trip. At the time we couldn't imagine another trip measuring up to Puglia. But in its...
Spectacular scenery, superb meals, and caring tour leaders with a good sense of humor (at least on the one we did). Not always "easy," but the effort was worthwhile,...
Spectacular scenery, food and tour guides!
Riding on very well maintained bike paths, being surrounded by fresh air and green, and being rewarded at the end of the ride with scrumptious food is a perfect comb...
this trip to the dolomites and alps was the best of all worlds: scenery, geology, food, wines, friends and really great guides :-) the last dinner was very special i...