Cycle Namibia
A fantastic varied exciting adventure exploring Namibia, it's breathtaking natural beauty and it's wildlife, both large and small. A cyclists/naturalist/geologist...
Cycling Namibia
We were a small but 'elite' group - 'holy moly' - we were the beautiful family who enjoyed every aspect of this trip The challenge of the cycling conditions, in exc...
Cycling Namibia
Overall a great trip. You'll see a lot of wildlife, on the road side while cycling and then even more on the safari. And I hadn't appreciated the vastness of Namibi...
Cycling Namibia
We were a small but 'elite' group - 'holy moly' - we were the beautiful family who enjoyed every aspect of this trip The challenge of the cycling conditions, in exce...
Exceeded my extremely high expectations
Unforgettable blend of landscapes, cycling, camping, wildlife in a country which has masses to offer at great value Difficult to single out because the variety was e...