G Adventures made me feel part of the countries we visit in particular the contributions to community support programs under the Planterra foundation
G Adventures made me feel part of the countries we visit in particular the contributions to community support programs under the Planterra foundation. This is what m...
This was my second GAP adventure, and I am happy to say that yet again, I feel like I am a changed person because of my amazing CEO and the cultural experiences he guided me through
This was my second GAP adventure, and I am happy to say that yet again, I feel like I am a changed person because of my amazing CEO and the cultural experiences he g...
This was a fantastic trip from start to finish
This was a fantastic trip from start to finish! It was worth every Pennie ! You definetly get your money's worth. Everyday you are absolutely amazed with what you ju...
The SE Asia adventure was a wonderful experience in the way people live, there beliefs & culture and the beauty of each country
The SE Asia adventure was a wonderful experience in the way people live, there beliefs & culture and the beauty of each country. Having to do it with follow adve...
My first tour experience was fantastic
My first tour experience was fantastic! I would not hesitate to recommend G Advententures to anyone who was looking to vacation in another part of the world for the ...