I was only with Tran for 3 days before crossing the border to the Cambodian leg of the tour
There was a sense of sadness that Tran wasn't going to be our guide for any longer as it was obvious the existing group that started in Hanoi had really bonded with ...
The tour was brilliant as were the tour guides
Very clued up on their knowledge and were such lovely guides.
The tour started at Ho Chi Minh City, then to the Mekong, Phom Penh and to Siem Reap
The tour was paced very well in that it wasn't too rushed. The hotels were very good being generally 4 star. The Angor Paradise Hotel in Siem Reap was excellent. All...
The whole tour and all three guides excellent
All our group got on extremely well. Shame the Northern Hotel in Saigon di...
Sy was very good at judging the group and running the tour at a pace to suit all
Neena was such a smiley, happy and positive person and had such a difficult part of Cambodia to show us, he did an amazing job. Vannak ran a great tour, fab sense of...