Nov 2022
Cycle Saigon to Hanoi
Not one single highlight, it was the variety and experience of the whole 2 weeks.
When I was researching potential tours of Southeast Asia, I was looking for Thailand (Bangkok and Chiang Mai specifically) and Cambodia (Siem Reap/Angkor Wat specifically)
When I was researching potential tours of Southeast Asia, I was looking for Thailand (Bangkok and Chiang Mai specifically) and Cambodia (Siem Reap/Angkor Wat specifi...
My first time in Southasia, loved it
My first time in Southasia, loved it. Enjoyed listening to the loc...
SE ASia is a culture shock if most of your travel has been in N
SE ASia is a culture shock if most of your travel has been in N.A. Or Europe. It was one new experience after another. We were not that prepared for such large citie...
This trip was unforgettable for me
This trip was unforgettable for me. It really opened my eyes to the history of these countries and the beautiful resilient people who live there. I love that the G/N...