Amtrak Vacations

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Reviews & Ratings

Amtrak Vacations logo

1.7  Disappointing

18% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

Amtrak Vacations logo logo

Nancy N

Feb 2024

Provided byAmtrak Vacations

when making Amtrak vacations reservaions online, you are rushe to make the reservations so the travel agents can get their commission.

The agents are not helpful and just rush to make the reservations so they get the commission. I was never told that I could make my own hotel reservations for half t...

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Operator Overview

Amtrak Vacations logo

# of trips


Travelers age

50 - 65


local Company

Trip prices

$1,449 - $3,599

Service level


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About Amtrak Vacations

Amtrak Vacations combines the thrill of riding the rails with inclusive travel packages for one-of-a-kind vacations throughout North America. We specialize in Escorted and Independent Rail Journeys, Rail and Sail Vacations, Rail Getaways and more. Amtrak Vacations offers over 300 rail vacations to amazing cities, scenic landscapes and spectacular National Parks with options to depart from more than 500 Amtrak rail stations across the country.

Our knowledgeable vacation consultants provide unparalleled service w...

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