Discover Corps

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Reviews & Ratings

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4.9  Excellent

98% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

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Worst Trip Ever

Feb 2022

Written on

2nd Trip with DC - Will Not Use Them Again

Our trip started off with a lunch at Maya Gardens. We went to see the poultry in their pens while waiting for lunch, thinking it was a petting zoo. The poor birds ...

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Operator Overview

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# of trips


Travelers age

6 - 65


global Company

Trip prices

$2,495 - $5,895

Service level


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About Discover Corps

Discover Corps is a volunteer travel company that is pioneering a new way to explore life and culture around the world in a way that rejuvenates the human spirit.

Our vision is of a world where people value our shared humanity and promote global citizenship while celebrating our many unique cultures.

Our mission is to give travelers a deeper understanding of life in communities around the world while helping to improve the lives of the people we visit.

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