Myths and Mountains

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Reviews & Ratings

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5  Excellent

100% Recommend












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Recent Reviews

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Linda L.

Jun 2021

We were definitely off the beaten path

It is a difficult job to make everybody happy all of the time, but you ladies do a superb job. We were definitely off the beaten path, and when following that path t...

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Operator Overview

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# of trips


Travelers age

36 - 65


regional Company

Trip prices

$2,795 - $10,195

Service level


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About Myths and Mountains

Myths and Mountains is the adventure travel company for the discerning and inquisitive globe-trotter seeking a hand-crafted, life-changing experience. With more than 25 years of expertise in designing award-winning trips focusing on cultures and crafts, religion and pilgrimage sites, environment and natural history and natural healing and traditional medicine, we promise adventures beyond the guidebooks, excellence beyond expectations, and guaranteed departures.

Myths and Mountains is the epitome of elegance an...

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