a) Your contract is with Interrailingpackages Ltd, the main office of which is based at their property on 66 Knappagh Road, Dernasigh, County Armagh, Northern Ireland.
When you make a booking you confirm that you have the authority to accept and do accept the terms and conditions set out below.
All travellers booking independently must be 18 years of age. If at the time of booking/travelling you are aged 17 years or under, you must contact us first before booking to ensure suitable arrangements are in place. No-one under the age of 18 is permitted to travel without an adult.
In some instances, additional costs may be incurred to accommodate those travelling who are under 18 years old.
When you purchase any package with Interrailingpackages, the package will consist of the following main elements:
InterRail Pass: This Rail Pass will cover all your journeys throughout the whole trip. The pass does not cover reservation fees nor does it cover if additional reservations are to be made as a result of missed journeys.
Accommodation: Depending on which package you have selected, the purchase will include all Hostel/Hotel accommodation throughout your whole trip. Full details will be provided on purchase as well as on package information on the website. In some instances breakfast will also be included but is not guaranteed. Tourist tax is not included in many of your stays and must be paid in cash on arrival/check-out.
E-Travel Pack: As detailed on the website each customer will be provided with an Electronic Travel Pack via email/our app. This will include all documents relating to your trip including trip itinerary, directions, city guides & other related documents.
If you book a package through us, once your place has been confirmed we will accept responsibility for it in accordance with these Booking Conditions as an “organiser” under the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992.
A package holiday is a combination of at least two elements out of (a) transport, (b) accommodation or (c) other tourist services (not ancillary to any transport or accommodation and forming a significant part of the arrangements) where booked through us at the same time, for which payment is made to us and which last at least 24 hours, or include overnight accommodation. Where transfers, insurance, or other separate services have been purchased these will be subject to terms and conditions of the original supplier, you should, therefore, consider that any ancillary services are sold on a non-changeable, non-refundable basis.
We recommend that our packages are booked via deposit / full payment at least 1 month prior to departure. Packages can still be purchased up to one week before departure but the buyer must contact us directly by e-mail or phone to confirm.
A minimum deposit amount of 25% can be paid to reserve a package so long as outstanding balance is paid at least 8 weeks before your departure date. The moment we receive your deposit we start processing your application and, therefore, it is non-refundable.
You must make any remaining payments by their due date. If we do not receive all payments due in full and on time we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you and retain all deposits paid or due at that time.
Dependent on which package/s you have selected, you may be sent further forms to complete and return to us. Interrailingpackages reserves the right to postpone your package if you have not returned all the necessary completed forms to process your application within the required timeframes. Interrailingpackages also retains the right to refuse any application deemed unacceptable for any reason.
The prices of packages are subject to surcharges if increases occur in transportation costs (including fuel), dues, taxes (such as increases in or imposition of VAT or other Government imposed taxes) or fees chargeable for services such as landing taxes, tourist tax, embarkation/disembarkation fees at ports and at airports and currency fluctuation.
We will absorb and you will not be charged for any increase equivalent to 2% of the price of your travel arrangements, which excludes insurance premiums and any amendment charges. You will be charged for the amount over and above that. However, if this means that you have to pay an increase of more than 10% of the price of your travel arrangements, you will have the option of accepting a change to another package if we are able to offer one (if this is of equivalent or higher quality you will not have to pay more but if it is of lower quality you will be refunded the difference in price), or cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid, except for any amendment charges. This type of price include may include though is not limited to certain events such as Oktoberfest, Football Tournaments & Olympic Games.
On receipt of your booking and all appropriate payments, we will, subject to availability, confirm your arrangements by issuing a booking confirmation, and/or invoice. Please check the details of your confirmed booking carefully. Please contact us immediately if any information, which appears on the confirmation or any other document, appears to be incorrect, or incomplete, as it may not be possible to make changes later. Where we act only as an agent we will have no responsibility for any errors in any documentation except where those errors were made by ourselves.
Should you wish to make any changes to your confirmed arrangements, you must notify us as soon as possible. Any such request must be from the person who made the booking. We will do our best to meet your request, but it may not always be possible. If you change from one package to another or change your departure date, there is an administration fee of £150 per person, in addition to any change in package cost and any charges incurred or imposed by any of our suppliers. You should be aware that these costs could increase the closer to the departure date that changes are made.
a) You may cancel your arrangements at any time. Should you need to cancel your chosen arrangements you must immediately advise us in writing. Notice of cancellation may only be effective when it is received in writing by us.
b) If you cancel your booking the below cancellation charges will be incurred:
8+ Weeks before departure: 25% Of Trip Cost per person (covered by deposit)
Less Than 8 weeks- the full payment is held with no refunds to be made.
There is also an administration fee up to £150 applicable to all cancellations within the cancellation period.
c) We would strongly recommend that you take out full insurance at the time of booking, which should then in most cases include cover, under
certain circumstances, against loss of deposit, or cancellation fees. See clause 6 of these conditions.
d) Once on the package, in the event you decide to discontinue before it is due to end, for any reason, there will be no refund. Once on the package no changes can be made to the itinerary.
e) All bookings are made in the name of the person paying and it is they who are responsible for any unpaid fees.
It is unlikely that we will have to make any changes to your trip, but we do plan the arrangements many months in advance. Occasionally we may have to make changes and we reserve the right to do so at any time. Most of these changes will be minor and we will advise you of them at the earliest opportunity. A minor change is any change which, taking account of the information you have given us at the time of booking, or which we can reasonably be expected to know as a travel operator, we could not reasonably expect to have a significant effect on your confirmed trip.
The whole philosophy of this style of travel, as outlined on our website, is one which allows some alternatives and a degree of flexibility. The outlined itineraries given for each package must, therefore, be taken as an indication of what you should accomplish, and not as a contractual obligation on our part. When necessary, we reserve the right to make alterations to a trip without notice, including the itinerary, accommodation, and amenities. These alterations may be made if in our reasonable opinion it is regarded as essential to provide due care, or to ensure the satisfactory progress of the package, but are not limited to these reasons. Changes in the itinerary may be caused by local political conditions and other unforeseeable circumstances. No refunds will be given for services not utilised. It is a fundamental condition of joining any of the packages described on our website, or any marketing material, that you accept this flexibility, and acknowledge that delays and alterations and their results, such as inconvenience, discomfort, or disappointment are possible. If you are unable or do not choose, to complete an itinerary outlined for a package we are not liable to supply alternative itineraries, excursions, accommodations, or services.
We will endeavor to let you know, as soon as we can if, through no fault of your own, we are forced to significantly alter your package. Should your package be interrupted by events that we could not reasonably have anticipated and the event significantly affects your package, we will endeavor to find an alternative arrangement as soon as is reasonably possible. You have the right to accept or decline the alternative. Under these circumstances, refunds will not be made and any travel costs incurred will be your responsibility. Interrailingpackages cannot accept liability for any changes or cancellations, as a result of “force majeure”, for example, war or threat thereof, terrorism, fire, sickness, bad weather, acts of government or local authority (including strikes) & acts of God (see clause 10). Except in the case of extraordinary circumstances beyond our control, we will not cancel a package less than 8 weeks prior to departure.
If we have to make a significant change or cancel (except in the case of “force majeure”), we will tell you as soon as possible and if there is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of the following options:-
i. For significant changes, accepting the changed arrangements or
ii. Purchasing alternative arrangements from us, of a similar standard to those originally booked if available (if the chosen alternative is less expensive than your original one, we will refund the difference but if it is more expensive, we will ask you to pay the difference) or
iii. Cancelling the booking and obtaining a prompt refund of the money paid (not including flights and Visa fees) – as long as you have given us written notification of cancellation within 7 days of the date on which you were notified of the alterations. If we have to make a significant change or cancel, 8 weeks or less before departure, subject to the exceptions below, we will refund you in full.
We will not accept liability, or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented, or affected, or you otherwise suffer any loss, or damage, due to circumstances that come under the definition of ‘force majeure’. In these booking conditions ‘force majeure’ means any event that we, or the supplier of the services in question, could not foresee, or avoid, even with all due care. Such events include, but are not limited to war, the threat of war, insurrection, riots, strikes, civil action decisions by governments or governing authorities, natural disaster, bad weather, technical or maintenance problems with the transport, criminal and terrorist acts or similar circumstances beyond our control.
Interrailingpackages works with organisations in each of the destinations that we offer packages. They are responsible for representing us and offering you in-country support while you are on your package.
In addition to the in-country support, you will also be provided with Interrailingpackages 24 hour emergency contact number prior to your departure. Please note, however, that this is for genuine emergencies only. Interrailingpackages is also contactable on the office contact numbers and email for non-emergencies, during office hours.
c) If you feel that you have reason for complaint during your package it is your responsibility to ensure, at the earliest possible opportunity, that any perceived failure in the performance, or improper performance, of the contract, whether by the company, or its suppliers, is communicated to Interrailingpackages by email, fax, or telephone, so that the concerns can be addressed. You must communicate any complaint to us, the supplier of services at the earliest possible opportunity and whilst you are still on the package. Failure to do so will affect our ability to investigate the complaint and your rights under the contract. Until we know about a problem or complaint, we, or the supplier, cannot begin to resolve it. If your complaint or problem is not resolved to your satisfaction you must write to us within 28 days of the program completion date.
We will only pay compensation if, after departure, your package or travel arrangements, booked through us, are not provided as described in your package information, due to the fault of our employees, agents or suppliers, and if this has significantly affected your experience and your enjoyment of it. Subject to paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) below, we will accept liability in accordance with package travel regulations. These conditions will be governed by English Law. We both agree that the Courts of England and Wales will deal with any claim you wish to bring against Interrailingpackages directly.
i. Nothing in these conditions is intended to exclude, or limit, our liability to you if death or personal injury is caused by our negligence, or that of our employees (providing they were at the time acting within the course of their employment). Please note however that we will not be liable for any injury, illness or death or consequential losses suffered by you or any member of your party where such injury, illness or death was not caused by lack of reasonable care/skill on our part or that of our suppliers in performing our obligations under the contract.
ii. We will not be responsible for any claim arising as a result of any, or all, of the following;-
1) The fault of the person(s) affected or any member(s) of their party or 2) The fault of a third party not connected with the provision of your package which we could not have predicted, or prevented, or
3) The fault of anyone who is not carrying out work for us (generally or in particular) at the time, or
4) An event or circumstance that we or the supplier(s) of the service in question could not have predicted or prevented. This may include (but is not limited to) an occurrence of force majeure, as described in these booking conditions.
iii. In respect of travel by sea, rail, and the provision of accommodation, our liability will be governed by and limited in accordance with the relevant international conventions. The provisions of these Conventions and any other convention in force at the time of your trip are incorporated into these booking conditions and form part of your contract.
iv. In respect of claims for death and personal injury we will not be liable for any loss of profit, or loss of business, or any form of consequential loss or damage, whether or not arising as a result of physical damage to property and regardless of the actual cause of such loss or damage.
The services and facilities included in your package will be deemed to be provided with reasonable skill and care if they comply with any local regulations which apply, or if there are no applicable local regulations if they are reasonable when compared to the local standards and customs.