Visit the Nile squeezes through an 8m wide gorge and plunges with a thunderous roar into the "Devil's Cauldron", creating a trademark rainbow
The northern section of the park contains savanna and borassus palms, acacia trees and riverine woodland. The south is dominated by woodland and forest patches
Notable visitors to the park include Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, Ernest Hemingway and several British royals.
Explore Murchison Falls is Uganda's largest protected area covering 5072km2 . This contains the Murchison Falls National Park (3893km2) and the adjoining Bugungu (501km2) and Karuma (678km2) wildlife reserves. Murchison National Park is one of Uganda's oldest protected areas. It's conservation history dates back to 1926 when the area was known as the Gulu and Bunyoro Game Reserve. This reserve became Murchison Falls National Park in 1952 (one of the country's two national parks, with the other being Queen Elizabeth National Park).
Visit Kibale Forest is a lush tropical rainforest, believed to have the highest density of primates in Africa. This 795-sq-km national park is home to 13 primate species, including the rare red colobus and L’Hoest’s monkey. Chimpanzees can be heard throughout the forest, three groups of which have been habituated to human contact.