Southern Thailand is a beautiful country, but I am glad I didn’t just rely on pictures to find out.
Southern Thailand is a beautiful country, but I am glad I didn’t just rely on pictures to find out. This company highlighted the country’s landscapes and beautiful v...
CharlieTheTraveler did everything right in this trip to Southern Thailand.
CharlieTheTraveler did everything right in this trip to Southern Thailand. No detail was left unaccounted for. I always felt safe, as our group was small and intimat...
This trip was amazing!!
This trip was amazing!! I loved every single part of it. The great planning made everything easier, so you can just lay back and enjoy every moment without stressing...
I highly recommend this tour of Charlie’s.
I had never been to Asia before, but this tour made me want to go back whenever I get the chance again. You get to do a bit of everything around Emirates, whether it...
The United Arab Emirates tour was super cool.
The United Arab Emirates tour was super cool. Definitely an opportunity of a lifetime. Charlie was very accommodating and plans everything well to the last bit. I’d ...