Everything included by CharlieTheTraveler on this trip was perfect.
Everything included by CharlieTheTraveler on this trip was perfect. The breakfasts provided were delicious and a great representation of the cuisine of the Mediterra...
Charlie’s tour was impeccably planned and comprehensive!
Charlie’s tour was impeccably planned and comprehensive! He thinks about the details of saving time in airports, during transfers, and in the selection of local guid...
I felt CharlieTheTraveler did an excellent job organizing this trip for a small group!
I could not believe that an trip to Turkey could be packed with so many activities and excursions and cost so low. I felt CharlieTheTraveler did an excellent job org...
I liked that the company planned a mix of adventurous and educational activities.
I liked that the company planned a mix of adventurous and educational activities. I have the best experience on every activity an excursion. The tour guide provided ...
I will definitely be recommending Charlie The Traveler to anyone that wants to see the world.
At Izmir we met Sait. What a phenomenal memory that man has. I think if we said page 83 he could tell us exactly what was there. We had a great time with him…I think...