From ancient whaling ships, rolling hills covered in grapes, to the Islands and mansions; you will experience a true taste of Southern New England
Spend the day exploring Martha’s Vineyard, with its harbor front towns, beaches and lighthouses. The day is yours to enjoy this famous island
A local guide offers their knowledge on the Gilded Age, wealthy summer ‘cottages’ and English settlers as you explore Newport, RI. You will visit one of the grandest summer cottages that was built by the wealthy Vanderbilt family
Enjoy a historic whaling town to see what life was like and how people lived as one with the ocean. A taste of chardonnay before dinner will make your trip all that more delightful
‘One If By Land’ and the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere ~ walk the Freedom Trail and trace the steps to the Old North Church, walk along the cobblestone streets to enjoy incredible Italian fare, or take a narrated cruise along the harbor front. All found right in the heart of Boston.
Cultural, Nature & Wildlife, Culinary & Wine, 50 Plus, Education / Learning
What travelers are saying
"Ok, it was at the end of the Covid crisis…BUT…no excuse for long hours on the bus with no movies, no discussion of our surroundings or fun facts/background on the areas/attractions that we’d see. Nothing at all regarding the Erie Canal. Not enough time at sights (Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Niagara Falls). Bus driver took an hour driving all around the area before he could find where to park for the Henry Ford Museum. The Village was closed to us the day we were there for sanitation. We got to Niagara Falls very late and by the time we finished dinner, we could only glimpse a part of the falls from a good half mile up river. Never went to the vineyard at all, because a storm came up. The only part of the trip that went as planned was when we were actually on Mackinac…that was great! But, not good enough overall to ever make me want to use Tours of Distinction again. Plus, the company never even apologized for all the missteps."