Words can not describe how amazing
Just returned home today after the 9 day Costa Rica trip and words can not describe how amazing this company is. In such a short amount of time I was able to fall in...
It was incredible!!
Just came back from the Costa Rica yoga trip and it was incredible!! It was wonderful having the support of a community and women my age to enjoy the experience with...
I loved my trip to Costa Rica!
I loved my trip to Costa Rica! If you are considering...
Did the starter Costa Rica trip
Hello! I did the starter Costa Rica trip and literally enjoyed every second of it. If you are thinking of doing this GO FOR IT! I literally had zero complaints and w...
Margot were amazing!
I went on the Costa Rica Rainforest trip with Under30X. I’m so glad I found the company and went on the trip! Everyone was so nice and the accommodations at Rancho M...